Provincial Safeguarding Policy, Guidance and Forms

The Church in Wales promotes and encourages safer practice in the work undertaken with children and adults at risk and aims to create and maintain an organisational culture that reflects the importance of safeguarding. The welfare of children and adults at risk is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations. Safeguarding is part of our core faith and an integral feature of Christian life in our churches. The Church in Wales sets a clear expectation that all clergy, staff and volunteers are familiar with and understand the Safeguarding Policy and related guidance. Further, it is expected that they follow the professional advice of the Provincial Safeguarding Officers.
Policy and Procedure Updates
Provincial Safeguarding Policy (PDF)
Provincial Safeguarding Policy Poster (Word)
Church in Wales safeguarding policies, guidance and procedures
Church in Wales safeguarding forms
- Form A General Consent Form (Word)
- Form B Consent Form for Specific Activities (Word)
- Form C Consent Form for use of Images (Word)
- Form D Consent Form for Electronic Communication with a Child (Word)
- Form E Application form for Approval of Activities (Word)
- Form F Session Record (Word)
- Form G Reporting a Safeguarding Concern, Allegation, or Disclosure (Word)
- Form H Agreement for Use of ICT (Word)
- Form I Declaration on Safeguarding Procedures (Word)
- Form J Sample Application Form (Word)
- Form K Sample Reference Request (Word)
- Form L - Model Safeguarding Agreement (word)
- Form M List of Children with the Associated Completed Safeguarding Consent Forms for use at Residential or Events (Word)
- Form N List of Supervisors with Associated Supervisor Safeguarding Checks for Residential or Event (Word)
- Form O Residential and Event Standards for Supervisors (Word)
- Form P Residential and Event Standards for Children (Word)
- Form Q Expectations of Parents or Legal Guardian of Children attending Residential or Event (Word)
- Guidance 1 - Safeguarding Good Practice (Word)
- Form R - Risk Assessment Template (Word)
Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Training Strategy (PDF)
Safeguarding Training Framework (PDF)
Welsh Government Safeguarding Procedures
Welsh Government has produced the Wales Safeguarding Procedures as statutory guidance for anyone working with children or adults in Wales, whether in a paid or unpaid role. The Wales Safeguarding Procedures build on the statutory guidance of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 to provide clear guidance and expectations for safeguarding both adults and children.
The Procedures clearly state that “Safeguarding is everyone’s business” and clarify what is required of people in specific roles.
The Wales Safeguarding Procedures are easily and readily available in two ways:
- Digitally, on a platform currently supported by Social Care Wales at
- As a free App available for Android and iOS