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Holy Communion

At Holy Communion blessed bread and wine is shared, by which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The congregation gives thanks for Jesus’ life, his death and resurrection and his continuing presence. See also Eucharist.

Home About us Provincial meeting dates

Provincial meeting dates


January 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 9 - Thursday 11 January All day Shrewsbury
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 22 January 11.00 Online
Appointments & Business Sub-committee Monday 29 January 09.00 Online
Human Resources Committee Wednesday 31 January 10.00 Online

February 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 6 February All day Caersws
ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday 14 February - -
Archdeacons' Meeting Thursday 15 February 14.00 Online
Standing Committee – operational meeting Tuesday 20 February 10.00 Online
Investment Committee Thursday 22 February 10.00 In person
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 26 February 11.00 Online
St. Padarn’s Quality & Standards Panel Thursday 29 February 11.00 Online

March 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 5 - Thursday 7 March All day Cardiff
Cathedral Deans Wednesday 6 - Thursday 7 March All day Shrewsbury
Finance Committee Monday 11 March 09.00 Online
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 18 March 11.00 Online
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Tuesday 19 March 14.00 Shrewsbury
Representative Body Thursday 21 March 10.30 Cardiff
GOOD FRIDAY Friday 29 March - -
EASTER DAY Sunday 31 March - -

April 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 9 April All day Cardiff
Property Committee Wednesday 10 April AM Online
WODS Thursday 11 April - Online
Finance Committee Monday 15 April 10.00 Online
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 15 April 11.00 Online
Governing Body Wednesday 17 - Thursday 18 April (Arrive Tuesday 16 April) Newport
Celtic Bishops Monday 22 April - Thursday 25 April - Ireland

May 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Archdeacons' Meeting Thursday 2 May 14.00 Online
ASCENSION DAY Thursday 9 May - -
Investment Committee Thursday 9 May 10.00 Online
Bench of Bishops Friday 10 May All day Llandudno
Welcome to the Church in Wales induction course Monday 13 - Tuesday 14 May All day Cardiff
Standing Committee – strategic meeting (residential) Wednesday 15 - Thursday 16 May 12.00-12.00 Cardiff
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 20 May 11.00 Online
Finance Committee Wednesday 22 May 10.00 Online
Human Resources Committee Thursday 23 May 10.00 Online
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Wednesday 29 May 10.30 In person
Appointments & Business Sub-committee Thursday 30 May 09.00 Online

June 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 11 - Thursday 13 June All day Shrewsbury
Finance Committee Monday 17 June 10.00 Online
Audit & Risk Committee Monday 17 June 12.30 In person
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 24 June 11.00 Online
Representative Body Thursday 27 June 09.30 Hybrid

July 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
St. Padarn’s Quality & Standards Panel Wednesday 3 - Thursday 4 July 17.00 – 12.00 In person
Standing Committee – operational meeting Tuesday 9 July 09.00 Online
Archdeacons' Meeting Wednesday 10 - Friday 12 July All day Conwy
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 15 July 11.00 Online
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Tuesday 16 July 10.30 In person
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 23 July All day Shrewsbury
Property Committee Thursday 25 July AM Online

August 2024

No provincial meetings planned

September 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Finance Committee Monday 2 September 10.00 Online
Governing Body Wednesday 4 - Thursday 5 September (Arrive Tuesday 3 September) Lampeter
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 10 September All day Shrewsbury
Investment Committee Thursday 12 September 10.00 Online
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Thursday 12 September 13:30 Cardiff
Provincial LLM Conference Friday 13 - Sunday 15 September All day Llandrindod Wells
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 23 September 11.00 Online
Audit & Risk Committee Tuesday 24 September 12.00 In person
Standing Committee (CANCELLED) Thursday 26 September Cancelled -

October 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Finance Committee Thursday 3 October 10.30 Online
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 8 - Thursday 10 October All day Cardiff
Property Committee Thursday 10 October AM Online
Archdeacons' Meeting Thursday 10 October 14.00 Online
St. Padarn's Executive Board Wednesday 16 October 10.00 Online
St. Padarn’s Quality & Standards Panel Thursday 17 October 11.00 Online
Human Resources Committee Wednesday 23 October 10.00 Online

November 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Provincial Pre-Retirement Course Monday 4 - Wednesday 6 November All day Llandrindod Wells
Diocesan Learning Community Monday 4 - Tuesday 5 November All day Shrewsbury
Appointments & Business Sub-committee Wednesday 6 November CANCELLED -
Investment Committee Thursday 7 November 10.00 In person
Finance Committee Monday 11 November 10.00 Online
Welcome to the Church in Wales Induction Course Monday 18 - Tuesday 19 November All day Cardiff
Diocesan Board of Finance Chairs' Meeting Wednesday 20 November 19.00 Online
Representative Body Thursday 21 November 09.00 Hybrid (Cardiff)
St. Padarn's Executive Board Monday 25 November 11.00 Online
Archdeacons' Meeting Tuesday 26 November All day In person
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Tuesday 26 November 10.30 In person
Standing Committee – operational meeting Thursday 28 November 09.00 Online

December 2024

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Monday 2 December All day Bangor
Property Committee Wednesday 11 December AM Online


January 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 14 - Thursday 16 January All day In person
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Thursday 23 January 09.30-15.00 In person
Human Resources Committee Tuesday 28 January AM Online
Appointments & Business Sub-committee Wednesday 29 January AM Online

February 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Thursday 13 February All day In person
Archdeacons' Meeting Thursday 13 February 14.00 Online
Standing Committee – operational meeting Tuesday 18 February AM Online
Investment Committee Thursday 20 February 10.00 In person

March 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday 5 March - -
Finance Committee Thursday 6 March 10.30 Online
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 11 - Thursday 13 March All day In person
St Padarn's Quality and Standards Panel Tuesday 18 March 10.00 Online
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Thursday 20 March 09.30-15.00 In person
Representative Body Thursday 27 March AM Hybrid

April 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Property Committee Wednesday 2 April 10.00 In person
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 8 April All day In person
WODS Thursday 10 April - Online
HOLY WEEK Monday 14 - Monday 21 April - -
GOOD FRIDAY Friday 18 April - -
EASTER MONDAY Monday 21 April - -
Governing Body Wednesday 30 April - Thursday 1 May All day Llandudno

May 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Wednesday 7 May All day In person
Archdeacons' Meeting Thursday 8 May 14.00 Online
Introduction to the Church in Wales Monday 12 - Tuesday 13 May All day Cardiff
Standing Committee – strategic meeting (residential) Wednesday 14 - Thursday 15 May 12.00-12.00 In person
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Wednesday 20 May 09.30-15.00 In person
Finance Committee Thursday 22 May 10.00 Online
ASCENSION DAY Thursday 29 May - -
Investment Committee Thursday 29 May 10.00 In person

June 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Audit and Risk Committee Tuesday 3 June PM In person
Human Resources Committee Wednesday 4 June AM Online
Appointments and Business Sub-Committee Thursday 5 June AM Online
Representative Body Tuesday 24 June AM Hybrid
Property Committee Thursday 26 June 10.00 In person
St Padarn's Quality and Standards Panel Monday 30 June - Tuesday 1 July 18.00 (30/06) - 12.30 (01/07) Cardiff

July 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Standing Committee - operational Tuesday 15 July AM Online
Archdeacons' Meeting Wednesday 16 - Friday 18 July All day In person
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 15 - Thursday 17 July All day In person
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Monday 21 July 11.30-13.30 Online

August 2025

No provincial meetings planned

September 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Thursday 4 September All day In person
Governing Body Wednesday 10 - Thursday 11 September All day Lampeter
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Wednesday 17 September 09.30-15.00 In person
Investment Committee Thursday 18 September 10.00 In person
Audit & Risk Committee Monday 22 September 13.30 Online
Audit & Risk Committee Tuesday 23 September 13:30 In person
LLM Conference Friday 26 - Sunday 28 September All day Llandrindod

October 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Finance Committee Thursday 2 October 10.00 Online
Archdeacons' Meeting Thursday 9 October 14.00 Online
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 7 - Thursday 9 October All day In person
Property Committee Thursday 16 October AM Online
St Padarn's Quality and Standards Panel Tuesday 21 October 10.00 Online

November 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Finance Committee Monday 3 November 10.00 Online
Appointments & Business Sub-committee Wednesday 5 November AM Online
Pre-Retirement Conference Monday 10 - Wednesday 12 November All day Llandrindod
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 11 November All day In person
Investment Committee Thursday 13 November 10.00 In person
Introduction to the Church in Wales Monday 17 - Tuesday 18 November All day Cardiff
Representative Body Thursday 20 November AM Hybrid
Archdeacons' Meeting Tuesday 25 November All Day In person
Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Wednesday 26 November 14.00-16.00 Online
Standing Committee – operational meeting Thursday 27 November AM Online

December 2025

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 9 December All day In person
Property Committee Wednesday 17 December AM Online


January 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 13 - Thursday 15 January All day In person
Appointments and Business Sub-Committee Thursday 29 January 09.30 Online

February 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 10 February All day In person
Standing Committee Tuesday 17 February 09.00 Online

March 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 10 - Thursday 12 March All day In person
Representative Body Thursday 26 March AM Hybrid
HOLY WEEK Sunday 29 March - Saturday 4 April - -

April 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
EASTER MONDAY Monday 6 April - -
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 14 April All day In person
Governing Body Wednesday 15 - Thursday 16 April (Arrive on Tuesday 14 April) To be confirmed
Celtic Bishops Monday 27 - Thursday 30 April All day St Davids

May 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Wednesday 13 May All day In person
ASCENSION DAY Thursday 14 May - -
Standing Committee (residential) Wednesday 20 - Thursday 21 May 12.00-12.00 Cardiff
PENTECOST Sunday 24 May - -
TRINTY SUNDAY Sunday 31 May - -

June 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Appointments and Business Sub-Committee Thursday 4 June 09.30 Online
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 16 - Thursday 18 June All day In person
Representative Body Tuesday 30 June AM Hybrid

July 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Standing Committee Wednesday 15 July AM Online
Bench of Bishops Thursday 16 July All day In person

August 2026

No provincial meetings planned.

September 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Governing Body Wednesday 9 - Thursday 10 September (Arrive Tuesday 8 September) Lampeter
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 15 September All day In person

October 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 13 - Thursday 15 October All day In person

November 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Appointments and Business Sub-Committee Wednesday 4 November AM Online
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 10 November All day In person
REMEMBRANCE DAY Wednesday 11 November - -
Representative Body Thursday 19 November AM Hybrid
Standing Committee Thursday 26 November AM Online

December 2026

Meeting Date Time Location
Bench of Bishops Tuesday 8 December All day In person