
What does the Church believe?
The Church in Wales believes and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ, namely:
- that God is active and personal, a Father who cares for his creation, and for every human being as his beloved child;
- that God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ, and
- that through the life, death and resurrection of this one person, God has proclaimed his love for the world, and opened a way, accessible through our response of faith, by which his love and life may be poured into our lives.
- That God is at work in the world today as Spirit, inspiring faith, justice and truth.
- We believe that God has called all who respond to him to be his people, and to work together to act as ambassadors for his work of healing in the world.
This is Good News, because it encourages each one of us to realise that God loves us, that he has gone out of his way to meet us in the person of his Son, in whom he accepts us as we are. He asks us to draw on his strength to live life to the full, and to bring healing to the world. We invite you to join with us in sharing this Good News.