Decision Time for Climate and Nature
The Archbishop of Wales, the Most Revd. Andy John, has called for Christians to pray as the Climate and Nature Bill comes before the Westminster Parliament on Friday. The Bill, aimed at tackling the dual crises of climate change and nature loss, is reaching a critical stage with a second reading in the Westminster Parliament on Friday, 24th January.
“As Christians concerned about the protection of God’s creation, we pray that the MP’s will give this measure their most careful consideration,” he said. “The Governing Body of the Church in Wales has declared a Climate Emergency and has committed to seeking to reach Net Zero by 2030. This cannot be achieved without difficult decisions, and we recognise that while many will want to give their support to MPs who are backing the legislation, some sections of our community, particularly in rural areas, have deeply felt concerns about the effect of the proposed measures. Nonetheless, given the gravity of the climate challenge we face, we hold in our prayers all those making this momentous decision, that they find the best possible way forward for our planet, our people, and all our communities.”