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COVID-19 – Call to prayer and action

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Christians in Wales are being called to a National Day of Prayer and Action on Mothering Sunday this weekend.They are being asked to light a candle in their windows of their homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.The event is being organised by Cytûn, Churches Together in Wales, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. People are being asked to pray for those suffering from the virus, those who are anxious and fearful, leaders tasked with making decisions and those working in health and social care. They are also being asked to look after their neighbours by keeping in touch and helping where possible.The Revd Canon Aled Edwards, chief executive, says, "At such a time as this, when so many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on our loving Heavenly Father and the future that he holds."Whether you are continuing to worship as congregations or not, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon God, wherever we are, individually and corporately, for healing in our nation. We would pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the COVID-19 virus, for those working in health and social care, and especially for the most vulnerable, whether elderly or those with underlying health conditions."There are already stories being told of wonderful acts of kindness across neighbourhoods. Alongside your prayers, take the opportunity to telephone or email someone who is isolated, buy some additional food for your local foodbank, offer to deliver shopping for an elderly neighbour. We may not be able to touch physically, but we can make connections in so many other ways."At 7pm this Sunday, light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer."

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