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'Model St David' Archbishop of Wales urges politicians

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The Archbishop of Wales will urge politicians to model St David in their service to others, at a St David’s Day service this weekend.The Archbishop, John Davies, is preaching at Cardiff’s St David’s Day National Service at St John the Baptist Church on Sunday. The service starts at 12.15pm and all are welcome.Drawing parallels between religion and politics and the challenges facing leaders of both, Archbishop John will say, "As self-disciplined servants of others, we must have focus and concentration; we can model David’s principles, and honour him in doing so: we can work hard, seeking the good of others with purity of life, honesty of heart, decency of motive and commitment to justice. Modelling our lives in such ways, we will be able to look into a mirror, and into the eyes of those who, in our respective spheres of public service, entrust us with their governance, knowing that, at a time of some deserved and some undeserved disaffection about religious, public and political life, we may not have done perfectly, but we have really tried to do our best.”Full text of the Archbishop's St David's Day address

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