Royal Prayers - 2023
References to King Charles in Church in Wales Liturgies
Explanatory note
The death of HM Queen Elizabeth II makes necessary specific changes to certain royal prayers included within the liturgies of the Church in Wales. The Bench of Bishops therefore commends the amended forms listed below.
Under the provisions of the Bill to Authorise and Regulate Minor Variations to Authorised Liturgies (2022), the Bench have indicated that it is acceptable to make reference to His Majesty as “Charles, the King” in place of “Charles, our King” where that is felt appropriate.
(With regard to the Welsh translations it should be noted that the King has indicated his wish to use 'Charles' rather than 'Siarl' and therefore that is the form used in the Welsh version of this text.)
An order for the Holy Eucharist
(Page references relate to the volume entitled ‘Y Cymun Bendigaid / The Holy Eucharist’)
1) The Intercession (second form, page 10)
We beseech thee, O Lord, to direct with thy heavenly wisdom those who rule over the nations of the world, that thy people may be faithfully and justly governed. Bless thy servant Charles our King and all who exercise authority under him.
2) Morning and Evening prayer (Page references relate to the volume entitled ‘Y Foreol a’r Hwyrol Weddi / Morning and Evening Prayer’)
Versicles and Responses at Morning and Evening Prayer (pages 399 and 408)
O Lord, save the King;
And give his counsellors wisdom.
The Litany (Appendix V, Section II (b), page 424)
We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord God; and that it may please thee to keep and strengthen thy servant Charles our King that he may serve thee in righteousness and holiness of life;
We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.
3) Intercessions: A General Form of Intercession (page 430)
We pray thee to guide and direct all who govern the nations of the world, especially our Sovereign Lord, King Charles, and those who are set in authority over us, that we and all men may be justly and quietly governed.
(Lord, in thy mercy, Hear our prayer.)
4) Intercessions: The State (p. 434)
Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless our Sovereign Lord, King Charles, and all who are set in authority under him, that they may order all things in wisdom, righteousness and peace, to the honour of thy holy Name and the good of thy Church and people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
5) Intercessions: The State (p. 435)
Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless our Sovereign Lord, King Charles, Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and all the Royal Family; endue them with thy Holy Spirit, enrich them with thy heavenly grace, prosper them with all happiness, and bring them to thine everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
1) Appendix iii: Suggested Alternative Intercessions (Form 1, page 101)
For Charles our King, for the leaders of the nations and for all in authority,
let us pray to the Lord: Lord, have mercy.
2) Appendix iii: Suggested Alternative Intercessions (Form 2, page 105)
Bless and guide Charles our King; give wisdom to all in authority; and direct this and every nation in the ways of justice and peace … May we honour one another and seek the common good.
1) A Cycle of Intercession (page 219)
The King
Members of Parliament and the Senedd
The armed forces
Peace and justice
Those who work for reconciliation
Victims of war and civil strife
Prisoners, refugees and homeless people
2) Short Litanies (1, page 223)
O Lord, give grace to the King:
and guide his counsellors in wisdom.
3) Short Litanies (6, page 227)
For this community, for our nation and its government, for the King; for all who work for justice, freedom and peace …
4) Short Litanies (9, page 231)
We pray for Charles our King, and for those who bear the responsibility of government in this and every nation, that your people may rejoice in your gifts of true justice and peace.
5) The Litany (section II(b), page 241)
Guard and strengthen your servant Charles our King,
that he may put his trust in you,
and seek your honour and glory.
Hear us, good Lord.
Section 3.3.3 Remembrance Blessings
God grant to the living, grace;
to the departed, rest;
to the Church, the King,
the Commonwealth, and all humankind,
peace and concord;
and to us and all his servants, life everlasting;
and the blessing …