Discerning the future of same-sex blessings in the Church in Wales

The Church in Wales is preparing to revisit its stance on same-sex blessings as the time-limited provision introduced in October 2021 nears its expiration in September 2026. In a message to members, the Archbishop of Wales Andrew John has called for a period of prayerful discernment and open dialogue as the Church explores potential paths forward. Options include allowing the provision to lapse, extending the current blessings, or taking the significant step of introducing a formal service of marriage for same-sex couples.
Archbishop Andrew John said:
Dear friends,
I’m wanting to address you about an issue with which the Church in Wales needs to engage through its Governing Body. The decision taken in October 2021 to provide a service of blessing for same-sex couples was a time limited provision. This will lapse at the end of September 2026 unless some further provision is made, and it is this to which we now need to turn our hearts and minds in prayerful and honest discernment.
The Bishops of the Church in Wales have agreed that the options open to us ought to engage us afresh and are seeking to bring us together in conversation this Spring. The details of these meetings have now been agreed in each archdeaconry. I wish to stress the purpose of these meetings is to listen – respectfully and attentively. We believe there is wisdom in this kind of approach which allows different voices to be expressed and heard without comment or censure. We don’t expect these voices to be pilloried or applauded. Our task is to hear from each other and to seek, as best we can, the wisdom of God in our conversations.
The options open to us might see the provision we made in October 2021 simply lapse and nothing further. There would be no authorised liturgy or facility for blessing couples in same-sex unions. We could of course extend this provision and continue with our current practice. It is also open to us to offer a service of marriage for same-sex couples, and this would be a significant step for the church to make.
My invitation to you all is to participate. Whatever kinds of reflection these meetings might offer and whatever decision the Governing Body might take, it’s our engaging with each other, with Scripture and tradition in a respectful way to which we must now give ourselves. Please do attend one of the sessions in your locality and may God give us grace and peace to hear his voice.
+Andrew Cambrensis