Digital ministry webinars

Churches keen to develop their digital ministry as they begin to re-open are invited to join a series of free webinars which start this week.
From practical advice on how to live-stream services and organise Zoom prayer meetings to exploring what effective online ministry looks like, the series of eight seminars is organised by St Padarn's Institute and features contributors from across the UK.
Each webinar will last 45 minutes with an additional 30 minutes for questions and answers.
The Revd Christopher Burr, tutor in Ministerial Development at St Padarn's said lockdown had taught churches the value of digital ministry. He said, "Over the last few months, all of our lives have been changed in ways that none of us could have imagined, and the Church has had to rapidly re-imagine its mission, ministry and understanding of community. Without question, this has presented new and complex challenges, but equally it has also brought with it real and exciting opportunities too. Creating a positive online presence has never been more important, and there has been an explosion of online activity with churches either greatly enhancing their online activity, or even exploring online ministry for the very first time.
"There have been many excellent examples of innovative worship and teaching, and perhaps some things that have not gone so well! One thing is certain though, online worship and teaching is here to stay.
"With this in mind, St Padarn’s is pleased introduce a series of webinars focused on Digital Ministry. Together, we will reflect on the changes that the pandemic has initiated; share experiences from churches right across the Province and offer some very practical help and advice on everything from holding a coffee morning on Zoom to editing videos for your Facebook page!"
The series will start by discussing online ministry and the crucial role that it plays in the mission of the Church both now and going forward, followed by a session on what ‘iPresence’ is and what creative and effective ministry is within an increasingly digitalised culture.
Webinar series
The free webinars will all take place on Tuesdays at 2pm and Fridays at 11am, starting on July 21. You can book a place on any or all of the webinars. Spaces are available on a first-come, first serve basis.
If you are unable to attend these live webinars, you can catch them later as they will be recorded and shared via St Padarn’s website.
- Tuesday, 21st July, 14:00 - Everyone Welcome Online with Bob Jackson
Bob Jackson is one of the key voices in the UK on Digital Ministry. This webinar looks at how to welcome people into church and faith today, and how to plan for a mixed in-person/online church going forward. Bob shares his views on how lockdown presents the Church with a unique opportunity to re-think and re-grow.
- Friday, 24th July, 11:00 - iPresence with Peter Phillips
An exploration and discussion around the unique challenges and opportunities for ministry within a digital culture. It will explore the church’s online presence, and how best to minister within that.
- Tuesday, 28th July, 14:00 - New Ways of Doing and Being Church with Mark Ansell, David Parry and Arun Arora
We are all having to re-imagine ministry at the moment, and how it has had to adapt rapidly its approach to mission and ministry. We invite leaders from a variety of churches and contexts to share their experiences and wisdom.
- Friday, 31st July, 11:00 - Creating an Online Presence with Matthew Batten and Rana Khan
The importance of creating a positive and effective online presence for your church has never been greater. This webinar will take a practical look at how best to achieve this using a variety of different platforms.
- Tuesday, 4th August, 14:00 – Live Streaming with Chris Dearden
Many churches are looking to live-stream their services currently. This webinar takes a very practical look at the pitfalls and challenges, but also offers some tips of the trade to make a success of it, whatever your church context.
- Friday, 7th August, 11:00 – Youth and Children Online with Helen Franklin, Hannah Bunting and Steve Lock
There are many wonderful examples of churches who have had rapidly to adapt their ministry to children and young people in creative and innovative ways. In this webinar, we will hear stories from a few of the many who have risen to the challenge, as well as sharing some ideas and good practice, and highlighting some of the best resources available.
- Tuesday, 11th August, 14:00 - Zoom with Robert Townsend
We have all become familiar with Zoom over the past couple of months, but is there more to discover about how it can help your church/local community? This webinar will offer lots of practical advice to help you get the very best out of Zoom.
- Friday, 14th August, 11:00 - Copyright, Licenses, Safeguarding and Faculties
A very practical session looking at issues specific to online ministry with regards to copyright, safeguarding and the requirement for faculties. If you feel you need some specific advice, this is the time to ask.
Digital Ministry webinars
Book your free place