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National Sports Sunday

Archbishop of Wales shares why it's important for the church to engage with the community of sport.
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Church cooks 50 roast dinners for those in need

Parishioners in Newtown are cooking Sunday lunch for vulnerable people
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VE Day message - Archbishop of Wales

The Archbishop of Wales pays tribute to the self-sacrifice, bravery and determination of those who won Victory in Europe, 75 years ago today.
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Chaplaincy on the NHS frontline

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Support Christian Aid Week, urges Archbishop

Archbishop John urges people to support Christian Aid Week this month to ensure help reaches those struggling to survive.
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Christian Aid Week goes digital

Join in live-stream services and donate via an 'e-envelope' to support the charity
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Trainee vicar offers lockdown hope through daily poems

Ordinand posts a poem a day on social media to try and lift people's spirits
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Click and connect: Digital Church reflections

Find out how Digital Church is going in our new blog series
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