Chapter VII: Parsonages
In this Chapter and in the Regulations relating to Parsonages:
- (a) “Board” means the Parsonage Board of the diocese in which the Parsonage is situated appointed as provided in Chapter IV A;
- (b) “Inspector” means the Diocesan Inspector appointed by the Representative Body for the diocese in which the Parsonage is situated or, if more than one be appointed, the Inspector directed by the Representative Body to act in respect of that part of the diocese in which the Parsonage concerned is situated;
- (c) “Incumbent” means any holder of an ecclesiastical office in the Church in Wales (other than that of Diocesan Bishop or Assistant Bishop); and in the case of a vacancy due to the preferment or retirement of an Incumbent, the former or outgoing Incumbent; and in the case of a vacancy due to the death of an Incumbent, his or her legal personal representative;
- (d) “Parsonage” means any dwellinghouse (including its garden) held by the Representative Body and which by the provisions of this Chapter and the Regulations is required to be occupied by any Incumbent and includes deaneries, canons’ houses, rectories, vicarages, minor canonries, and curates’ houses, together with any buildings and land adjudged to be within the curtilage thereof and not excluded by a determination of the Board with the approval of the Representative Body;
- (e) “Diocesan Parsonage Board Account” means the fund held by the Diocesan Board of Finance for the benefit of the diocese concerned, pursuant to regulation 3 of the Regulations;
- (f) “Diocesan Parsonage Improvement Fund” means a fund set aside by the Representative Body for the benefit of a diocese, from which grants may be made towards the cost of new Parsonages, or for improvements to existing Parsonages, in the diocese concerned;
- (g) “Arbitrator” means an arbitrator appointed as provided in the Regulations.
Unless the Incumbent is granted a licence of non residence by the Bishop or holds a non-stipendiary office in the Church in Wales for which accommodation is not provided, he or she shall reside in the Parsonage and upon the terms of the Regulations relating to Parsonages.